The language departments of the Faculty of Humanities, Bina Nusantara University is proud to announce it’s first conference on language and culture of English, Chinese and Japanese. The conference will focus on current issues relating to the learning, teaching and culture of these three languages, and how they impact South East Asia.

We welcome submissions for paper presentations. Presenters also have the opportunity for their paper to be included in a SCOPUS indexed proceedings publication.


English, Chinese and Japanese are major foreign languages, which have a significant impact on business, cultural and economic developments around the world. This conference addresses language and cultural studies with relation to English, Chinese and Japanese studies.

The aim of the conference is to explore the teaching and learning of English, Chinese and Japanese in relation to South East Asia. A second aim is to identify cultural developments in South East Asia and the influence of culture from China, Japan and English speaking nations on the region. Presenters may consider the following topics:

  • Researching foreign language acquisition.
  • Contrastive Analysis.
  • Applied Linguistics.
  • Foreign language education in ASEAN: Pedagogical Perspectives.
  • Cultural Developments in ASEAN.
  • Intercultural Relations and ASEAN.
  • Chinese culture.
  • Japanese culture.
  • Anglophone culture.