
Digital Humanities and Environmental Sustainability: The Next Stone and Stick of Civilization

By BINUS Humanities

The theme of our conference, “The Next Stick and Stone of Civilization,” encapsulates the evolving landscape of Digital Humanities and Environment Sustainability with the former’s profound impact on shaping the trajectory of human civilization and potential in sustaining our global environment. It invites participants to explore the transformative potential of digital technologies as the building blocks of our collective future, akin to the fundamental tools of early civilizations. Through this theme, we seek to examine how digital innovations are reshaping the ways in which we engage with culture, knowledge, environment and society, and to envision the possibilities and challenges that lie ahead.

Within this overarching theme, our conference will explore a multitude of sub-themes, including but not limited to digital storytelling, data visualization, environment sustainability, computational linguistics, cultural heritage preservation, and the ethics and environmental concerns of digital humanities research. Participants will have the opportunity to explore how these themes intersect, and by engaging with these diverse topics, we aim to foster critical reflections, interdisciplinary collaborations, and innovative approaches that will shape the future trajectory of both Digital Humanities and Environment Sustainability along with their roles in advancing human civilization.

Organized By

BINUS Humanities

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