On 26–29 October 2021, students and professors from Bina Nusantara University and Tecnológico de Monterrey joined Global Week program, discussing how human rights have been affected by political and technological measures around the world to control the pandemic.

Tangguh Chairil from Binus’s International Relations Department and Nuril Kusumawardhani Soeprapto Putri from Information Systems Binus’s Information Systems Department joined Lorena Rodriguez Bojorquez from Tec de Monterrey to supervise the students.

41 students from Binus (20 from International Relations, 21 from Information Systems) connected with 20 students from Tec de Monterrey in this program. Students were grouped into multicultural teams with each consisting of students from Binus and from Tec de Monterrey.

The Global Week program consisted of icebreaker activities on 26–27 October and collaborative/reflexive activities on 28–29 October.

For the icebreaker activities, on the 26th students joined the class Padlet where they introduced themselves to their teammates, published their videos, and commented on other students’ videos. On the 27th, students joined Zoom live session where they met the professors and Global Week classmates.

Then for the collaborative/reflexive activities, on the 28th students joined Zoom live session to have team discussion on human rights issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic in countries from the regions that they chose. They discussed using Miro online whiteboard tool. Finally, on the 29th students did live presentation about their conclusions and solutions.

For more information on the Global Week program, please visit the program web site: https://sites.google.com/tec.mx/binus-tec2/home.
