This public lecture was aimed at the freshmen (of we termed as the “Binusian 2024”) of the Department of International Relations at Bina Nusantara University with the aim of giving new students a picture of the life of the Diplomat in real terms, as well as how the Diplomats deals with the Covid-19 Pandemic atmosphere.

This public lecture invited The Honorable Mr. Piotr Firlus, Charge d’Affairs of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Jakarta as speaker, as well as a Life After IR Study session which presented Mr. Lukas Tambunan, Staff of the Political and Economy Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Jakarta, will discuss working in a foreign embassy in Jakarta.

The Public lecture will be held online through zoom with a formal stage at the Kijang campus, BINUS University on July 16, 2020, from 14:00 to 16:00 WIB and streamed live through YouTube Channel International Relations Bina Nusantara University here:

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For IR Binusian, claim your SAT points and International Experiences point here: